I had a lot of fun with Illustration Friday's topic this week - "Contagious". I wanted to do something along the line of "contagious joy" or "contagious happiness", then I thought of this verse from Proverbs 17:22 ("A cheerful heart is good medicine...") and then the "contagious cheerfulness" concept came together in my mind pretty quickly after that...
I was so glad to be able to use a verse from Proverbs as the inspiration because I am on Day 10 of my personal challenge to read one of the 31 Chapters of Proverbs each day for 31 days and post about my favorite verse(s) daily here on the blog. So far I've done pretty well...I have at least managed to post everyday (which is a miracle for me) even though some of the posts have been a little short on content. But hey - at least they each have the main attraction - the Proverbs...
So, for Proverbs 10, here is the verse selection that jumped out to me - simple but powerful...
"The hopes of the godly result in happiness, but the expectations of the wicked come to nothing."
Proverbs 10:28
I have *finally* posted images of some of the goodies I am giving away as part of this 31 Day countdown to Just Bee 'n Me's 4th Birthday - the photos are in the sidebar on th right. Please understand that you DO NOT need to participate in the Proverbs-reading part of the 31 days to be eligible for the giveaway - ALL you have to do is simply comment on ANY Just Bee 'n Me post from May 10th through June 9th, on as many posts as you want, and your name will be entered into the drawing for each comment. I'll double your number of chances if you mention this giveaway on your blog and let me know about it. It's that easy! I hope you'll play along!!
See you tomorrow!