Happy 40th Birthday Dave!
Wow, is it possible that it has already been 40 years since my little brother David was born!? I can hardly believe it! He was such a cute kid...but don't let that fool you. Do you see him in the next picture with his overalls and t-shirt....he looks just like Dennis the Menace...and, well, he was a *spirited* child. I should know...being 8 years his senior, I was his built in baby-sitter. He kept me on my toes...

...but we had a lot of fun too. I loved his smile (still do), loved to make him laugh, loved to watch Sesame Street with him and read to him using silly voices... Oh, and we all loved that long blond hair of his...

He grew up with a passion for Track and Field and excelled as a hurdler in college...

...and he followed his passion with graduate studies and eventually became the men's and women's track coach at Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas, which is where he still works today...As a coach here, he has 5 championship rings in 6 seasons to his credit...we are so proud of him!

His girlfriend is a lovely woman, smart and sweet, who just happens to be a firefighter for the US Forest Service...they are very happy and we are very happy for them...

I love you Dave - I hope this year is filled with all the blessing and joy you so deserve!
Alas, it is quite late, and to wrap up day 6 I am simply going to post my verse selection from Proverbs 6 (for the 31 Day Challenge) and leave it at that. It is clear, understandable, and full of good common sense... and it spells out more of the benefits of wisdom, instruction, and discipline. As I run this race in life, I hope I can, with God's help, strive for this with every step...
"My son, obey your father’s commands, and don’t neglect your mother’s instruction. Keep their words always in your heart. Tie them around your neck. When you walk, their counsel will lead you. When you sleep, they will protect you. When you wake up, they will advise you. For their command is a lamp and their instruction a light; their corrective discipline is the way to life.
Proverbs 6:20-23 (NLT)
I know I said I would post a sneak peek at the giveaway prize today, but it will have to wait for tomorrow or Sunday (lots on my plate today)....please forgive me...but remember, any comment on these daily posts through June 9th automatically enters you in the drawing for the prize goodies, so please do feel free to stop by and say hi!
See you tomorrow!