Hey Y'all! I'm heading out for a very special birthday celebration. It's the big 5-0 for me on Sunday (wow), and my sweet hubby is taking me to a wonderful Bed and Breakfast cottage for 2 nights...yay!
But, guess where the Bed and Breakfast is...right near Round Top, Texas, home of the famous Round Top Antique Show which kicks off this weekend!...and we're going to do one of my most favorite things in all the world...look at miles and miles of vintage junk and antiques!! Plus, see some great blogging buddies, which is really what I'm looking forward to the most...
...and as a bonus, it's the height of bluebonnet season here, so there's sure to be lots of this yummy loveliness all over the place. Oh how I love Texas in the Spring!
Yep, should be a fabulous birthday weekend!! You know I'll have my camera around my neck the whole time, taking photos of the things we love to see...I'm definitely taking you, my sweet friends, along with me in my heart...
I'll be back at the blog Monday with a full report! Have a wonderful weekend y'all!
(I know I will!!! LOL)