Why guilt you might ask...? Because I cannot seem to quit buying this stuff!! It's not that I spend very much money - quite the contrary (this stuff is dirt cheap)....it's that I DON"T HAVE ANY MORE ROOM!! I have begun, AGAIN, in earnest, to clean up and re-purpose a few pieces, preparing them for selling and really, really soon I will be unveiling my new Etsy shop - Yay!! Then, maybe, just maybe, we will begin to move items out of the garage, the studio, the dining room, the closets, etc, and into some of YOUR hands (HOPEFULLY!!)
OK, now lets be honest - how could I pass up this stuff...?? Especially since practically none of it was over $2.00 - most were $.25 - $1.00!!
Love this sweet embroidered piece of Jesus and animals...lovingly done by a woman's Grandmother...I assured her I would re-love it into something wonderful...
$2.00 for this yellow rose afghan! SO much work went into this!!
$2:00 also for this entire box of vintage 50's - 80's era greeting cards - unused...
These summery dishes were my only "big dollar" purchase at $15.00 - there are lots more of them in the box - these are just a few of them...
My Mom bought this lamp for me (she's an enabler :o) But oh the possibilities with this cute teapot/coffee pot lamp, huh...!?!
This one I'm keeping - this is a perfect fit to go on top of our fireplace mantel - once it's all shabbied-up of course - it will make a wonderful setting to stage seasonal decor - can't wait!!