Just wanted to let you know that I've been cleaning up my links a bit, and I've added several new favorites that I thought you might like to know about. They are listed here as well as in the sidebar under "Favorite Things:
- Bible Gateway: An awesome online Bible resource that I use for all my online scripture references. For something fun, you can click the sound icon at the bottom a reference and listen to the chapter being read by the most gorgeous British voice with lovely background music.
- Dayspring e-cards: Really beautiful animated (and free) e-cards for every imaginable occasion - or for no occasion at all.
- Heartlight: These guys have been around forever in internet years. They have a wonderful, wide and deep assortment of inspirational resources including but not limited to devotionals, study tools, inspirational articles, e-cards, wallpapers, and great online shopping.
- HUGS Online: A humble but growing selection of free inspirational e-cards that you can customize. I've done the photograpy and graphic design for most of these - and I hope to add Flash e-cards soon. (by the way, HUGS stands for Hearts United in Grace and Spirit)
- Annie's Homepage: I've been surfing through Annie's MANY sweet pages for years now. She's one of the best collectors of inspirational information and cutesy graphics I've ever seen. She is big into holidays, and her Holiday Page is a jump off point to information on every conceivable holiday - as just one example of the kind of goodies she provides.
- Women's Ministry Network: This is a great one-stop shop for all things women's ministry. Check out the extensive library of women's ministry ideas at the Idea Bank. Lots of good stuff if you are involved in any kind of women's ministry.
I'll continue to strive to bring you fun, inspirational, and informative links as I find them. Thanks for stoping by - I hope you find these useful!