Hello - I'm still here!! Goodness gracious, I'm so sorry to have disappeared on you for over a week now - yikes! But, I've been a busy girl (and hubby's been a busy boy) and I thought I'd stop long enough to give you an update on my week...
The studio is coming along nicely...but the unrelenting heat has made the work much more difficult and time consuming. My husband is a saint, and the hardest worker...here's a bit of the progress...
The windows are all in...love the light!! And it's hard to see, but just above the back window is the all important air conditioner!!!
I summoned every bit of self-control I had (not much I'm afraid) all throughout the Spring to try to avoid the many, many garage sales we have around here because there's just something so wrong about buying junk when you are in the middle of a big downsizing effort (I still looked though :o)...BUT, in the last few weeks, I have begun to crack, then crumble and I've made a few purchases...here's a few of the latest finds (some of which were on a free table, and some of which my Mom picked up for me). I LOVE the vintage strawberry tablecloth...although it is in good enough shape to use as a tablecloth, I will likely use it as a cutter for several projects I have in mind...one of which will go in our red, green and white vintage country kitchen...
Although this dusty box of faucets looks like a mess, that is three complete Moen brand faucet sets...the entire box was only $3!!! (Moen faucets new are pretty darn expensive). The two brushed nickel-finished ones in front will go in each of our bathrooms in the mobile home when we tackle those later in the Fall - this buy alone saved us well over $200!! Seriously, this is the kind of buy that keeps me drawn to garage sales - you just never know what kind of incredible bargain you'll find...
And finally, this is what has really been taking up all of my time this past week or so - I am oh so close to launching my first ever digital scrapbooking/clipart kit at Aimee Asher Elite: Country Fair Fun!! I'm just having a couple of small issues with uploading everything, but we've almost got it. As soon as it is available in my new shop at Aimee Asher I will share the link here. It's a really neat, BIG kit (I got kinda carried away designing for it)...it has 46 separate graphic files including 21 cute sticker-doodles (my cut-out, sticker looking graphics), 9 yummy, colorful textured background papers, 2 complete ready to print recipe cards, and SO much more. This is the "cover" for my kit and gives you a pretty good idea of the type of things I have included...once it is all launched, I'll share the other sampler page so you can see all the images...I can't WAIT!!!!!

Oh yeah...you may have also noticed my new blog banner....that's part of an overall effort to update and coordinate all my websites and the new shop too...there will be even more blog updates coming very soon...
Well, I'm heading to my Mom and Dad's house today to work on the upcoming lingerie shower for my nephew's bride-to-be (yikes, it's this Saturday!!). The invitations were a big hit...they came out so cute...and now it's crunch time on all the decorations. I'll be taking photos every step of the way and I'll share those soon!
Thanks for your patience during my extended absence...I'm so grateful for you...thanks as always for stopping by!!! HUGS!!!