Hello again friends! As promised, here's part two of my Round Top Report; The Goods! I'll tell you upfront that a) we didn't go to tons of places, it was hot and we were'nt really shopping, just looking, and b) even though we only went to a few places, I STILL have tons of photos. I'll keep my commenting to a minimum, but where I can I will share the vendor/and or venue and a link to their webpage/blog/etc.
Enjoy the colors, the textures, the junky abundance, the whimsy, the fun that is Round Top...
LaBahia in Burton, TX
The next several photos are from the Old Oak Cottage booth at LaBahia. This wonderful shop is owned by my newest Home Girl, Marci. She is a delight and I love her merchandise! If you haven't heard, Mandie at Altar'd is opening a showroom for her handpainted furniture and a spot for her furniture painting workshops at a brand new building at the Old Oak Cottage in Huffman (near Kingwood). I am definitely going to pay these girls a visit, camera in hand, during the grand opening of the new showroom April 29th & 30th! Check out the Old Oak Cottage blog or Altar'd's FB Fan Page for updates!
Warrenton, TX - Various Venues
Love the funky vibe in Warrenton...here's a taste from our wanderings there...
The Texas Rose near Round Top
(across from Marburger Farms)
We spent a fair amount of time here at the Texas Rose. The parking was free and plentiful, plus we were looking for Lesley of Saving Grace, another one of my Houston Home Girls. We found her, plus quite a few other vendors with wonderful stuff! Here's what we found there...
I met sweet Lisa of Pix up Stix at The Texas Rose. She had some great stuff and was a really friendly gal!
The Cajun Cottage and Lisa at Pix Up Stix share this cute space at the Texas Rose. Here are some photos from the outside of their little cottage. (I'm sorry, but I'm not 100% sure who's stuff is what outside...but that's OK...it's all good!)
The cute cabin was right next door to
The Texas Rose Cafe. We didn't eat there, but it sure looked and smelled good!
Funky Junky - Peely Paint
(sorry, couldn't find a website)
S.D. Meadows Folk Art Gallery
crazy fun stuff...
Miscellaneous Junk
Probably my favorite places were the random tents and spots that dot the roadside from Burton to Warrenton and beyond. These places are SO fun to dig through, and definitely cheaper that the more established spots. Here's just a glimpse...
It was at one such place that I made my one and only purchase, $11 worth of vintage greeting cards, Valentines and postcards. Yep, that was all I bought the entire weekend! It really wasn't even worth taking a photo of, but they are very cute...
I hope you enjoyed my little Round Top report. I can't adequately express how HUGE this collection of sales and markets really is. My photos represent merely a fraction of a fraction of the vendors and venues there. It was a lot of fun, for sure, but it can also be very overwhelming. Now that I know how close it is to where I live and now that we have found the perfect close by B&B spot, we will definitely be going back...I hope to go to the big blog party this Fall!
Thanks for hanging in there with me...I was SO busy all week working on this...
My newest clipart kit, "Sweet Spring Stitches" is almost 100% complete, I just have to upload the files and write the product descriptions and it'll be all ready...(the image above represents only about a third of what's in the kit!) You'll be the first to know when it's complete. Oh, and I will be making a new Paper Bag Journal with this kit for Mother's Day...can't wait to get it all done and share it with you! Meanwhile, y'all have a wonderful weekend! HUGS!!!