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Last week we hit a nearby yard/rummage sale put on by a couple who were former Round Top sellers...they are getting out of the junk business and were pretty serious about liquidating their massive stash. Don't you just love the sound of those words! :o)
So here's what a single $20 bill bought us that day (the above photo is only about a third of it!!)
LOVE these cute shutters with the red fabric - there are 2 complete sets with 8 sections total.
I was instantly smitten with the wire lampshade form covered with lace...here's a closeup of the rusty metal form, ornamental clips and lace...
I always need glass candlesticks for making cupcake platters...the wooden box they were in was thrown in with them...
You can never go wrong with milk glass...
...or chippy wood finials...love the chippy drawer they came in too...
...crusty metal candle holder...I'll repurpose it into something...not sure what just yet...
There were three of these cute ceramic collector ornaments - I have quite a few vintage and other ornaments gathered for the upcoming sale so these will fit right in. There was also a pile of these green grape cluster ornaments...I'll do something with them...
All of the above piles were just a third of the $20 haul - the next several photos are primarily laces and trims that were piled into a big plastic bin...there was also a pretty glass lamp and vintage framed photo in the box...
...yards and yards of this stuff...I love it!
Here's a closeup of the lamp - I am a sucker for lamps, I admit it...
Unfortunately I don't have a photo of the final third of this $20 haul, but it was a huge shopping bag stuffed with hand crocheted doilies and embroidered linens! Fun!! My sweet Mom is washing and ironing it all...thanks Mom!!
It was definitely a stellar "pick" as Mike and Frank would say...
So, are you planning on doing some picking this weekend...?
This is one of my favorite fun Scriptures in Proverbs - now tell me this isn't true...
"The shopper says, '"That's junk—I'll take it off your hands,"' then goes off boasting of the bargain."
Proverbs 20:14 (The Message)
Too true. Ain't the junk business grand? Have a great weekend!