Blog posts : "studio"
Where Bloggers Create 2012: Just Bee 'n Me Studio
Hello!! Whether you are visiting here for the first time from Where Bloggers Create 2012 or you're an old friend stopping by to say hi - Welcome!! I'm Becky Schultea, full-time licensing artist and illustrator (and part time crafter), and this is a tour of my little studio at our Woodland Cottage …
Where Bloggers Create 2012: I'll Be There!
I'm saving you a seat...
...and stocking my shelves...
...for the "Where Bloggers Create 2012" blog party hosted by the awesome Karen Valentine at My Desert Cottage!!
I hope you'll join me and SO many other bloggers from all over blogland as we share inspiring, fun photos of our studios, sewing rooms, …
Where Bloggers Create: From Storage Building to Studio
Welcome friends, old and new! I'm thrilled to be participating in the second annual "Where Bloggers Create" party put on by the gracious Karen at My Desert Cottage! If you didn't come here from there, do yourself a BIG favor and head over there for a FEAST of inspiration!! Simply click on the many W…
The Studio Reveal!
What began as a storage building....
...was lovingly (thank you Sweet Hubby) transformed into a bright studio space...
...which was then filled to rafters with LOTS of whimsical, colorful, creative has become my dream studio, and I couldn't be happier!!
(Please keep scrolling - ther…
Remembering Ike
This is the backyard of our former home in Houston one year ago today when Hurricane Ike hit Galveston and Houston...and we had it good comparatively. The first two photos show the destruction by a fallen tree of a playhouse that came with the house when I bought it...I always intended to turn the p…
From Storage Building to Art Studio
It's FINISHED!!! I am SO happy to report that the storage-building-to-art-studio transformation project is finally complete! I have to give my sweet Hubby a HUGE round of applause and BIG HUGS for his tireless efforts through the late Spring and all the HOT Summer long to convert our storage buildi…
As if on cue...
Just as the make-ready on the Studio is winding down (photos coming very soon), a great opportunity has presented itself...! I was just wondering (OK, fretting) out loud on this post about not having a clue as to what to do with all of this... ...and this... ...and this... ...and this... .…
The Week in Review

It has been a busy week around here...sorry for being away for the better part of it. I really needed to get a new digital kit finished for my Digital Boutique, which I just did yesterday - hurray!! It's a little Fall mini clipart kit called "Happy Fall Y'all" featuring a couple of fr…
Studio Inspiration
for my Studio
The collage I created above is like a digital inspiration board for the studio - snippets of things I love, colors that speak to me, items I've crafted, images that make me smile. As I've pondered the next steps with the Studio, m…
Studio Update: Hot and Cold

Here's a teeny peek at one element of my newest digital scrpabooking/graphics kit that I've been working on this week. If you have a baby girl shower or little girl birthday coming up, you might want to have a look at this kit once it is's gonna be pretty darn cute if I do s…
Progress and a Peek at my Week
Hello - I'm still here!! Goodness gracious, I'm so sorry to have disappeared on you for over a week now - yikes! But, I've been a busy girl (and hubby's been a busy boy) and I thought I'd stop long enough to give you an update on my week...
The studio is coming along nicely...but the unrelenting heat…
Busy Hands
Hello July!!
And hello friends!! I just wanted to take a moment, as I generally do on the first of every month, to mark the turn of the calendar and share any news of note. There is still a lot of work going on on two different fronts in our household. 1) The studio finish-out is marching ahead at a …
A Good Work
The Heat is On!
And with a stroke of timing which is nothing less that abysmal, we are racing to move all…
31 Days: Day 30 - Metamorphosis Monday & the Giveaway!!

I'm so excited to be participating in duel gatherings today - I'm joining Cindy at My Romantic Home for her 2nd Monday Giveaway Party today and I'm also presenting a CUTE no-sew makeover project for Susan's Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch!!
There are only 2 days le…
31 Days: Day 27 - More Than You'll Ever Know

31 Days: Day 12 - Thankful Thursday!

17 blog posts